Put Thursday, June 3, on your calendar for lots of Arts in the Alley activities from 6 to 9 pm -- three gallery openings, live performances and tunes from a local DJ. In the Arts Initiative gallery, John Sherman Lathram III presents The Ladies of Ohio: Digital Divas, a photo exhibition of Ohio's female illusionists. The show includes select, large-scale images from Lathram's upcoming book of the same name. At 7 and 8 pm, several local female illusionists featured in the book -- including Paige Passion, Danyel Vasquez (above), Diamond Hunter and Vivi Velour -- will perform on a stage in the alley. Music will be provided by a guest DJ and refreshments will be served. Across the Alley, the Ohio Art League will present the opening of Amateur Cartography, works by Jen Adrion, curated by Haley Boehning. And the Shoebox gallery continues an exhibition of works by Linda Diec (whose work is shown below). All activities are in the alley at South Campus Gateway, just off High Street at 10th.

ARTillery is hosting a "last Saturday" Art Market in Arts in the Alley on Saturday, May, 29, from 1 to 6 pm. Artists from around the community have been invited to set up their wares for sale in the alley at South Campus Gateway.
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