Notable News
Ohio choreographers are invited to submit works for a new project that's a partnership of the Dublin Arts Council, OSU Department of Dance and OhioDance. The project involves the development and performance of a site-specific outdoor contemporary dance work. A chosen choreographer will create the work, using the Dublin Arts Council grounds, a grassy sloping location with a rolling hill descending to the Scioto River. For more information contact Jane D'Angelo at ohiodance@hotmail.com or find the invitaiton for submission here (scroll down to Sept events).
Ohio State's popular Percussion Ensemble Pops Concert takes place on the Oval on Tuesday, May 26, at 6:30 pm. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to this free outdoor concert and enjoy the School of Music's Mallet Ensemble with music from the Ragtime era and the golden age of the xylophone.
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